FACT: Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for organization growth.
Why? Because 89% of consumers start with a search engine, and 39% of customers are acquired via search. However, SEO should not operate in a digital marketing silo – search engine optimization is merely one component of a holistic internet marketing strategy.
In the following content, we’ll explore three additional strategies designed to complement and amplify search engine optimization efforts.
“Google Ads” and “PPC” are often used interchangeably in the marketing world. Though Google Ads and PPC are not the same, we’ll refer to them synonymously for the purpose of this guide.
PPC, or pay-per-click, is an internet marketing model that involves bidding for clicks on search engines like Google. As the name implies, every click is paid for.
Most people would recognize a Google Ad, as they often appear at the top of search engine results pages, marked with an Ad symbol.
Over time, a successful SEO strategy will drive important website pages to the top of search results for priority keywords. Using Google Ads to bid for the same keywords ensures that your website appears on the top of the search engine results page in multiple locations, capturing the majority of the traffic.
Google Ads can also fill in keyword “gaps.” For example, an ad could be created to target a particularly challenging keyword that SEO has yet to impact.
Remarketing is a form of advertising that targets consumers based on previous actions, such as adding an item to the cart and leaving the website.
For example, if Joe Smith visits your automotive parts website, adds a package of headlights to his cart, and leaves without checking out, he may forget entirely about his plan to purchase. Later that day, Joe sees your “Forgot to Checkout? Return to Your Cart and Receive 10% Off Your Order” ad on another website. He returns to your website and completes his purchase.
Once SEO drives an influx of traffic to your site, remarketing provides another opportunity to reach potential leads who connected with your brand before.
PPC provides a wealth of data, including clickthrough rate (CTR), bounce rate, time on site, and conversion rate.
Paired with insights gleaned from SEO, marketers can make smarter decisions.
SEO experts agree: search engine optimization takes time. Most businesses can expect results from an SEO campaign within 4-6 months. In fact, if an SEO “professional” promises instantaneous SEO results, RUN.
Eventually, effective SEO strategies will drive traffic to your website free of charge. However, because PPC results are directly paid for, Google Ads provide the opportunity to target important search terms right away.
SEO and social media have overlapping goals – both involve winning intentional traffic and converting individuals from prospects to loyal customers.
While SEO drives traffic to your website directly through search engines, social media platforms do so indirectly. For example, you may share a recent blog post on Facebook. In turn, this post drives interested traffic right back to your website.
Social media is an excellent resource for building brand awareness. Though social media platforms can drive conversions (especially eCommerce-heavy platforms like Instagram), brand development is certainly a primary function.
Did you know social media pages are indexed? That means your social media platforms are often ranked in search results when a potential customer searches for your brand. Seeing your brand on multiple marketing channels across the web offers proof of legitimacy.
For example, take a look at my search results after I googled our company name:
Our website ranks first. But notice the next two links: our LinkedIn and Facebook pages! Our Twitter account and Instagram profile are listed on page two.
As with any new platform or concept, marketing in the metaverse with be experimentative! Much of the metaverse is undefined. Brands are certainly establishing trends and defining guidelines, but there are few “rules” that should be followed at this time.
Influencer Marketing Hub says it well:
“Best practices have yet to be properly established, and paradigms have yet to be fully and comprehensively created. This gives marketers plenty of room to try to be unique and experimental in their approaches.”
Social platforms lend legitimacy to your business.
Over half of all social browsers use social media to research products! A professional and optimized social profile lends to the trustworthy nature of your organization and the products or services you offer. Positive reviews, an active page, and social interaction demonstrate superior customer service.
For example, Joe Smith may be considering your auto repair parts store, but is not convinced that you offer the best product. He performs research on your brand, reads Google reviews, and searches for your brand on social media platforms. To his surprise, he finds a professional, active, and polished Facebook page. While you can’t guarantee Joe Smith’s conversion, your efforts helped lead him down the sales funnel at multiple touchpoints.
Website development and SEO are unequivocally related.
Without a healthy, up-to-date, mobile-friendly platform, SEO efforts will be stunted. For example, nearly 53% of website visitors leave a mobile website if the page doesn’t load within 3 seconds. Imagine trying to build a beautiful skyscraper on an uneven, overgrown plot of land.
Without a solid foundation, SEO won’t deliver to its full potential, regardless of how valiant an effort you make. After all, traffic driven to an outdated website likely won’t convert.
At RivalMind, the majority of our web development clients initially approached us for SEO services! After uncovering fundamental website issues, these clients chose to rebuild before pursuing ongoing SEO.
Every business is unique. We craft digital strategies to drive measurable growth for every client. For many customers, we are the digital marketing department, a team of dedicated industry experts.
We would love to chat about how we can take your organization to the next level. Give us a call at 331.228.9636 or head over to our contact page! A strategist will promptly respond.
Hi, I'm Matt Scroggs, a digital marketing strategist. For two decades I served as the senior digital marketer for several global, iconic brands. Today, I'm the chief marketing officer at RivalMind, an agency 100% dedicated to helping companies thrive by driving transformational growth through innovative digital marketing. I'm also a lifelong Cubs fan, a faithful family man, and a web analytics junkie—relentlessly tracking conversions, loyalty, and advocacy, which are often as elusive as the pennant!
Specialties: Helping Businesses Grow, Marketing Strategy, Idea Guy
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